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Keeping things covered up...Now that's sexy! - 25 September 2011

Playgirl Corset | Blog |  Keeping things covered up...Now that's sexy! - 25 September 2011

Keeping things covered up...Now that's sexy!

Although for most, the end of summer/beginning of autumn is a sad time, for myself it is the merriest time of year! I won't lie: when I was much younger, I absolutely adored the warm weather. I would prance around in my summer dresses and swimwear, happier than a kid at Christmas. That changed as I got older. The heat became completely unbearable and to top it off, at the end of my teenage years, I developped an allergy to UV rays. Now, my once dear warm friend has become the big yellow ouchy thing in the sky. Combine those two factors, and there you have my reason for absolutely loving the coolness of autumn.

But its not just that...For me, autumn is the perfect time to take advantage of my favourite fashion look of all time: the covered up look. I don't mean matronly; truth be told, I don't even mean conservative...What I mean is looking drop-dead gorgeous without giving anything away. I'm talking pencil skirts that hug your hips and bottom and go just below the knee; beautifully collared blouses that don't reveal more than a glimpse of collar bone; jackets tailored to nip in at your little, corsetted waist; back-seamed stockings that will draw every man's eye up. And when things get even cooler, you can continue the cover-up with long leather gloves, a soft silk scarf gently knotted around your neck and perhaps even an interesting hat to finish things off. Now doesn't that scearm 'Sexy!'?

Tell me what you think of the covered up look. Write me @ ms.sabrina.grey@gmail.com

Playgirl Corset > Blog > Keeping things covered up...Now that's sexy! - 25 September 2011
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